We have successfully completed projects throughout New Zealand, Fiji, Tonga, Samoa, Australia, and Hong Kong.
Concrete repairs to beams/columns.
Concrete repairs (self-leveller/screeding to carpark deck).
Modify concrete plinth to accommodate design and interface changes.
Sansom undertook design and installation of the new podium membrane at Air New Zealand House. We used Ardex screed and Ardex membranes.
Concrete repairs to floor slab.
Supplied and laid rapid set screed cement ARDEX A38 in the following locations: Mechanical plant room Footpath/walkway Upper ramp Lower carpark entrance
Concrete repairs using Sika Monotop repair products.
Concrete repairs to apartment soffit using Sika Monotop 412, Sika Monotop 910, Sikadur 41 epoxy, Sikagard 550 coating.
Floor grinding 350m2. Supplied and laid 38 tons of ARDEX A38 screed to roof.
Concrete repairs to apartment soffit using Sika Monotop 352, Sika Monotop 910, Sika gard 550 crack bridging coating.
Roof joints resealing using Sikadur Combiflex SG over the joints.
Concrete repairs to apartment soffit using Sika Monotop 352, Sika Monotop 910.